Onutiative | Initiation of Success
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Onukit, the flagship service of Onutiative ltd.is a mobile call center alternative delivering core CRM functionalities including support ticket, task, order, logs & records generation from regular SMS and Call communication.


OrderFlex is a simple Sales/Order tracking and forecasting management system which is built with using the flexibility of The Google SpreadSheet and Android app.


Vendy Ltd is the next generation IOT based MFS payment supported touchless Vending Machine manufacturer Company in Bangladesh. 

Contact Us

We are here for you. Feel free to contact with us.

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    Visit Us

    Onutiative Ltd., House no: 265, Road no: 19,
    Ta-131 Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh.

    Map: https://goo.gl/maps/imTftpe1RFE4eEoF8

    Ph# +8801714890252, web: Onutiative.com